

Financial reports need context

Financials are relatively meaningless without context. The context is what gives them their real weight, significance, and, well, meaning. Otherwise, they're just numbers on a page. For example, the same set of financial statements that'd be good news to a...

Cash vs accrual basis

Accounting seems simple, at first. It's just a bunch of transactions and numbers that need to be categorized and reported. But, when you report the numbers is a much bigger issue than you first realize. For simple transactions (like buying a slice of pizza), it's...

How to build an emergency fund

Saving money and building an emergency fund isn't fun. In fact, it's pretty much the antithesis of fun. Saving is the ultimate delayed gratification. Instead of using money today for something you enjoy (or a surprise bill 😓), you're saving it until there is...

4 ways to charge clients upfront

New entrepreneurs and business owners frequently fall for the Net 30 trap. They accept Net 30 payment terms (aka, getting paid 30 days after the invoice) because they think that's just how business is done. They don't realize there's another way (or don't quite...

Back to basics: Profit & Loss vs Balance Sheet

The Profit and Loss report and Balance Sheet are two of accounting's most famous reports. Everyone's heard of them, every accounting software can generate them, and even the IRS is interested in them. And, they're famous for good reason. Together, they give you a big...
