

Profit & Loss worksheet • Growth Forecast worksheet

Profit & Loss worksheet

Accurate accounting is incredibly important and every agency should have reliable books.

But, accounting software or outsourcing your books may be excessive for side hustles, very new businesses, and consultants that run incredibly lean. The cost-to-value just isn’t there. 

I use this Profit & Loss worksheet with those smaller clients. It helps them organize their info in a clean and straightforward manner. And, it may not be a replacement for proper double-entry accounting, but it’s reality.

Grab your copy of my [Profit & Loss worksheet]

Grab your copy of my [Profit & Loss worksheet]

Growth Forecast worksheet

Agencies that’re getting serious with their finances usually build out a mega financial model that includes every conceivable number and financial KPI.

Unfortunately, those models are usually overwhelming to the point of uselessness.

Instead, use this Growth Forecast. It’s based on the same forecast I use with consulting clients and tailored to marketing agencies.

Grab your copy of my [Growth Forecast worksheet]

Grab your copy of my [Growth Forecast worksheet]